Economic Freedom by country – your growth environment!

Every year Heritage Foundation publish Index of Economic Freedom. In this list you can find almost all countries in the world ranked based ease of doing business. As you can imagine better score in this ranking means higher salaries and lower unemployment.

Ultimate score is based on fours components:

  1. Rule of law – here we can check if property rights are respected. Also Governmental integrity is being evaluated to assess potential corruption levels. Finally judicial effectiveness is considered.
  2. Government size – bigger the government means bigger burden on the economy. Thus under this areas government spending, tax burden and fiscal health are analyzed.
  3. Regulatory Efficiency – if you run your business, not only high taxes can you constraint. Regulations effects on business, labor and monetary freedom and considered here.
  4. Open markets – we live in global economy nowadays. Thus also freedon in areas of trade, investment and finical markets is reviewed as well.

To view full ranking or read about each country results you can go here.

Hong-Kong remains to be at the top of the ranking, while Switzerland continuous to provide best environment to business in Europe. Poland has lost one point and get score of 68,3, thus is ranked in ‘Moderately Free’ area.

France (72) and Italy (79) remains to be far from their European competitors UK (12) and Germany (26), with Ukraine being listed as 166 in ‘Repressed’ section of the index, getting lowest score across all European countries.

This topic is not directly connected with Personal Development. Nonetheless if you think about it, environment you live in can either limit or help with your growth. Below ranking shows this picture a bit for chosen counters. At least theoretically countries higher on the index should provide its citizens more opportunities for development.

Let’s look at the numbers:

If you would like to check more stats that concern you daily life you can check HR salary number in Polish SSC sector under this link.
