Shinrin Yoku – Hearing Sense

Forest Therapy (Shinrin Yoku) can help to boost your mental and physical health, strengthen you immune system and balance quite well busy business week. This time we go a bit deeper into this topic.

A few weeks ago I covered introductory video on Forest Bathing (jap. term Shinrin Yoku). It gives quite good overview of what Forest Therapy is, where it comes from, how precisely it boots your health and some base tips on how to practice it. You can find Shinrin Yoku – Intro recording here.

This time we go a bit deeper into this topic. Doing Forest Bathing in a proper way means experiencing the forest using all of you five senses (Hearing, Smell, Vision, Touch and Taste). We start that journey from hearing sense. Watching video below you will get quick overview on why it matters. You will also find out how to train yourself so that you use hearing sense during Forest Therapy more consciously and effectively. It’s not a rocket science, it’s quite easy to learn! Try it yourself!

Now that your seen the recording go ahead and try to do yourself an easy exercise I’ve mentioned in the video. All you need to do is visit nearby forest and follow the steps I covered. I do sincerely hope you gonna enjoy it!

Let me know in a comments section how did it work out for you. Also feel free to ask any questions you wish from Shinrin Yoku area. Happy to follow-up on those either in person or in next video.

In the next blog post I’m gonna cover using Smell Sense in a Forest Therapy. Stay tuned it’s coming soon!

Useful Links:

  1. Time Article on Forest Bathing – click here
  2. The Guardian article on Shinrin Yoku – click here
  3. National Geographic Article on Forest Therapy – click here
  4. US National Library of Medicine Article on Forest Therapy – click here
  5. Info on Forest Bathing routes in Japan – click here
  6. An Association of Nature & Forest Therapy – click here
  7. Amazon Book – Forst Bathing by Dr Quick Li – click here
  8. Amazon Book – Your Guide to Forest Bathing: Experience the Healing Power of Nature by M. Amos Clifford – click here
