Why your 20s are so important

Many people finish their education (University) at age of 25, then they start their professional career and when reaching 30 they have enough experience to know what they want to do in life. Also that is often time when they decide on long term relations such as marriage and kids. If you add to that mortgage it seems that in our 30s we make majority of our key decisions. Thus, popular idea that 30s are new 20s.

Still, is it really the case? Can we wait with our most important choices till our 30s? Can we spend our 20s only on education and fun? Meg Jay gives really interesting answer to that questions, which is: 30s are not new 20s. During our 20s we shape our life. Let’s look at some survey data for US:

  • First 10 years of your career will have an exponential impact on how much money you will earn.
  • By age of 30 more than 50% of Americans are dating, living with or married to their life-long companions.
  • Your Brain goes through its final developmental growth spurt in your 20s, making it one of the last times you can easily change your personality.
  • 80% of person’s greatest achievements in life happen before an age of 35

Considering all above, do not wait till 30s with your key decisions. Spend time with people you really value, focus on your passions and live life you will love.

Below full video (14 min) with Meg’s TED talk on this topic, which I encourage you to watch.
